I went to stock car meetings from a young age with Stef and Natalie Lampshire, girls of Neil Lampshire (737). Mainly to keep my quiet and be baby sat! I didn't pay much attention to the actual races back then so when Jonny, Stef and Nat approached me about doing the charity calendar I jumped at the chance as I really wanted to get back into it all.
You can tell he's Cornish, he'd rather hold a pasty |
Care in the Community's nurse outfits were more radical nowadays |
shhhhhh he's behind you! |
When we arrived the first driver I was introduced to was Mike Priddle (14), who I had great banter with and is also the first person I've met that swears more than me!! So anyway off I went and got changed for my first shoot. But this was no ordinary outfit I stepped out into the pits in, oh no, this was a skin tight gold catsuit I was strutting around in. The next driver I had the privilege of meeting was Rob Speak (218) who was so lovely. So whilst doing my photos I think it was clear to see that I had already gained a fan, the legend Higgy! I then went on to meet Chris Burgoyne (647), this was the bikini shoot which seemed to turn a lot of heads. Chris's mechanic also seemed to be a part time photographer with his smart phone!
After this I had to change back into my now signature gold suit and went over to meet Micky Brennan (1) where I proceeded with my shoot. During these I did feel rather awkward at first as smutty comments were coming from all angles, but I had to laugh when someone drove past and asked Jonny if he needed a hand whilst I was bent over the front of the car! Once all the photos were over and done with I walked round and met a few more drivers who had all won in their heats and the overall final. Dale Moon (302) who I have now become good friends with, Ritchie Mead (596) my Danny Dyer sound a like! Chris Bradbury (886), or as I and most now know him to be "Big Head" for some reason...
If you want to come first, get in front of Speaky.... |
We now move on to "the water shoot". I can probably say that was the most traumatic shoot of all! Big shout out to the Moss brothers and Dale Moon for temporarily blinding me with water pistols and throwing ice cold buckets of water over me and the other girls. Thanks for that guys! So after being bullied by the lads, mainly Dale the little bugger, and coming close to catching pneumonia I then realised I hadn't packed a towel or any spare clothes. So I had to walk into KFC with Jonny and the girls, soaking wet, make up streaming down my face and just a massive t shirt on. The looks I got, people must have thought I was a head case.
The next meeting I attended was at Taunton again, me and Jonny were driving up and were running late. We got there and were due to do the shoot with Grace and Tia, Jonny manage to take 2 pictures before the batteries in the camera died only to find out that he had left his spares at home. We then had to drive all the way back to Honiton to buy new ones then all the way back to the track! Now the day before we were supposed to have a bubbly battle with all the girls but it didn't end up happening, so they were left in Jonny's boot. One of them exploded everywhere, but we were still left with a few bottles. I gave one of them to Bradbury for winning the final that day and I thought I'd drink the other one, stupidly I gave it to Priddle to open for me and the look on his face said it all! I started running and he started chasing me shaking this bottle of bubbly, well off came the top and he sprayed it all over me. Now I love Priddle to bits but the words I would use to describe him at this moment in time would not be appropriate on here! And I have to add that I also met the wonderful John Kind at this meeting who is a pleasure to know.
The Pink meeting at Bristol was next where Andy Maidment was more than helpful with his Thatchers Gold on tap! Me and Steph, one of the calendar girls, were of course over the moon when he said we could help ourselves. Now I can't really say much about this particular meet as I don't really remember a lot! All I know is I have now been advised not to drink at future races. But all in all it was a good day, and this is where Steph and I obtained our nicknames "Bubble and Squeak" as given by Bradbury!
Next was the semi finals at Bristol. Now I clearly took no notice of the weather forecast for rain when I rocked up in hotpants! This is where we did the shoots for Dennis Middler, Gordon Moodie, Dave Polley, George Macmillan, Mike Priddle and Ritchie Mead. Although it was pissing down with rain the girls were real troopers and we got some amazing shots and I think it's safe to say the drivers didn't mind watching us girls get wet!
So, after some good work on Priddle's end, he managed to get me and Terri to do the trophies at the next meet at Taunton! Well, it was just our luck that on the parade lap the heavens decided to open. So before we even had chance to give out any trophies we were soaked through. But after a costume change we were ready to roll! So I would like to say a big thank you to Priddle for helping us out with that, thanks to Crispen for having us and thanks to all of race control for helping us out that day! I had a great day and hopefully will be doing trophies more often. So keep an eye out guys!
So with the calendar complete and going to press, on world final night look out for me. I'll be the one in gold hotpants walking round the pits making you all buy our calendar. Please be aware if i see you, you will not have an option, so get your wallets out!!
I can definitely say it has been a privilege to work with them and the drivers! It has been such a good laugh and I've had an amazing time and I've met some amazing people but also made some really good friends. So I will end this by saying good luck to all of you racing and look forward to seeing you all on the 14th!
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